An H1b worker’s guide to police reform

7 min readJun 29, 2020

[I am a skilled guest worker who is being denied my civil rights due to systemic racism in the United States of America. I have lived and worked in the United States for 12 of the last 14 years. I have lived here under President Bush, President Obama and now President Trump. I have lived in two of the world’s largest democracies and have awareness in how the justice system works in both of them. I believe that I have the right to free speech in this country even if I am here on a guest worker visa. So, as my contribution to American society, I am giving my opinion on police reform.]

The governments all over the world are dumb

We have seen through history that governments all over the world are quite adept in handling their enemies, provided that the enemies are human. They are utter failures when it comes to handling the enemies of society, the invisible enemies. Just observe them fall flat on their faces trying to handle an attack from the coronavirus. At least we have education on our side through the scientists and health care professionals (not the governments) who are helping the human society handle a virus.

Now think of how the governments handle these other invisible enemies of society.

  • Racism, the feeling of animosity towards someone whose ancestors are different from ours.
  • Drug addiction, the desire to ingest chemicals into our bodies in the pursuit of happiness.

